Make Yourself at Home

_MG_2428 _MG_2456 _MG_2477 _MG_2509 _MG_2517 _MG_2516 _MG_2534 _MG_2539 _MG_2584 SONY DSC MakeYourselfAtHome

What? Free “Family Photos” by the mantelpiece for all willing members of the Mission Hill (And Boston) community. As people come out from Easter mass at the basilica, I will offer them the chance to pose with other members of their neighborhood in front of a hand painted 8’x6’ backdrop of a fireplace and mantle as a faux-family. Each picture will include between 3-6 neighbors ranging in age and ethnicity. Mission Statement: With this event I wish to engage members of the Mission Hill community in an activity in which they voluntarily pose and associate themselves with their neighbors, instating a message of family orientation and values within the community.
